The Second Week is Up

Neha Shaikh
1 min readFeb 22, 2021

Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing well :)

So we are done with second week and entered into the other concept of Html. In every session of Jadu Fellowship, I try seek new concepts from my mentors and fellows since I believe that whether you’re an experienced developer, or a newbie, there’s always something new to learn or practice.


ln all three sessions we studied both soft and technical skills which I like most about Jadu.


These are the few concepts we studied this week:

div container , span, checkbox, radio button, input method, button and lastly we created a Signup page.


In which we learn:-

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The 4Cs of Capturing attention (Concise, Clear, Compelling, Credible)

How to activate your Social media

A detail about Personal Branding with real world inspiration .

Looking forward to CSS!

