http:// vs https://

Neha Shaikh
2 min readMar 14, 2021

http is the acronym of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol while https is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.

Although there is only the “s” difference but this difference can create a big problem in our data security. Do read this blog and understand about these two protocols , Hopefully this information may safe you from online scam or hacking.

Whenever we search anything in the browser and open the results either it is a shopping site or any, and there you log in giving your debit card, credit card or email id. Have you ever noticed that the information you are giving to the site is whether safe or not? For this you must have the knowledge of http and https.


http is the protocol that is used for viewing web pages on the internet. It works as a mediator between client (the web browser you are using) and server (from where we are getting results) and the online data is transfer with the help of http or https. Whenever we search for anything the data goes through http and then server and similarly returns using http from server. In between the hacker/cracker can change the information and redirect us to the other website. These things can possible in http.

There is my recommendation “Don’t use credit, debit ,email or any personal information in those http sites”.


http+S=https. This is http with a security feature. Secure http encrypts the data that being retrieved by http. This “s” indicates that now you are using secure http and have entered a secured website. The website having https has a layer which no one can cracked. This layer comes from SSL(Secure Socket Layer) which is basically a digital certificate which certification authority provides to the website based on the web content and that authenticates the identity of the websites. Https makes it harder for hackers to break the connection and steal personal information such as credit card numbers, address , passwords etc.

You can see the padlock symbol🔒 in the address bar that ensures that the secure http is used.

Https provide protection of 3 layer.

✔ Encryption

✔ Data Integrity

✔ Authentication

Hope You find this article helpful :)

